Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Devotion running today...

I have a devotion running today. It's called "Once...Always." You can check it out here: http://proverbs31devotions.blogspot.com/2009/06/once-always.html . Then read my follow up on my other blog, http://beautifulp31.blogspot.com/2009/06/who-are-you.html. I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts.

Today I am still basking in the wonderful time I had at my Mom's. She was in a great mood and little pain. What a blessing! Me and kids visited. My friend, Donna, and her daughter, Sydney, came too. My mom's hubby, Bud, cooked hamburgers on the grill. We had watermelon. We had a great time together. Her surgery is this Thursday. Please keep her in your prayers.

Thanks a bunch!



Anonymous said...

Your devotion struck me a profound way today. The enemy knows my weaknesses and habitual tendencies.
I never truly had a close relationship with my mother and every time I talk with her, it is difficult.
Then I saw your mother's blog, and I thought about how I would deal with my mom if she had a terminal sickness.

My mother has always needed me to pick her up with encouragement ever since I was a young teen. I've always resented this especially back then when I needed emotional support. Sometimes I really do feel like the adult and she's the child, and there's nothing I can do to change this. I want to share all my blessings and struggles with her and hope she would rejoice and cry with me and I with her.

Please pray for a divine healing to take root in this tug-a-war relationship. Your life testimony and ministry of helping others find and know their identity in Christ is very profound. I am a believer and am striving to pass on a Godly legacy to my children.

This battle I've been facing in my wary relationship with my mother is the Lord's.
Your love and dedication to serving and honoring your mother through her illness is a challenge and an inspiration to me.


MelissaTaylor.org said...

I am praying for you Anonymous! I am praying for a divine healing.

Much Love,