Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Miss My Raleigh and Bloggy Friends!

It has been so long since I've written, tonight I feel like I'm coming home! My April has been so busy and productive, but I just have not been in a place to blog. So, I took a rather long break.

My dad stayed with our family for 3 weeks this month. It was so nice to have him here for a while. He's been with my sister and her family since Christmas in Rochester. He is facing a very hard time in life right now. His 3rd divorce plus numerous health problems. I'd treasure your prayers. He's feeling very unworthy and defeated. We moved him back to his hometown of Greenville, SC last week. I know he is lonely. That is a big reason I haven't been blogging. I haven't returned emails. There was just a lot to do and I gave myself a break from feeling like I had to keep up on the computer!

On a different note...."Hello Raleigh!" I had a speaking engagement last weekend in Raleigh, NC at Hayes Barton Baptist Church. The topic was friendship and relationships and they titled the event, "Sister to Sister". It was amazing. These women were so gracious and welcomed me with true southern hospitality. On Friday night, I even felt comfortable enough to take my shoes off and speak in my "Aloe Infused Hot Pink Slipper Socks"! (they gave me a wonderful gift basket including the great socks and my feet were killing me due to the bunion surgery I had a few months ago...so I took off my shoes. Oh My Gosh! Those Socks were the best things these feet have seen in forever!

The retreat was such a blessing to me as well as those who attended. I hope to have some pictures posted soon. I forgot my camera, so I'm kind of at the mercy of those with cameras at the event. I think what touched me the most is really something I recognize in most women. That is the need to have real authentic relationships...but the truth is those are few and far between. I hope and pray that through our time together that some walls were torn down and some seeds were planted to grow "sister to sister" relationships where the Fab 5 Qualities of Friendship can be displayed. (1. Unconditional and Unfailing Love 2. Encouragement 3. Service 4. Accountabiltiy 5. Forgiveness +++Bonus Prayer)

I want to say a big "thank you" to all of you in Raleigh who made me feel so welcome and comfortable. I wish I could've stayed longer. Thank you for having me!

It's so good to be back! Now I need to head over to http://www.beautifulp31.blogspot.com/ because it's been just as long since I've updated there too! Blessings Y'all!




Chef Diane said...

IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU ARE BACK! It sounds as though you are refreshed. Welcome back. I have missed your blog and the wonderful news of the Lord you share. It is another sleepness night for me. I am so glad I checked your site. I will keep your father in prayer. I am sure your family missed you while you were speaking.
I like what you said about friends. It is becoming clearer and clearer to me the true value of my sisters.
I will check out your other blog and how you have been taking care of yourself.

Joyful said...

Welcome Back! Great to hear from you!! You have been missed. You made a very wise decision though my friend. This wonderful computer that helps us with connection also eats a lot of time. I must confess that many days I choose wrongly and hours go by while sitting before this screen and things that truly need to be accomplished get ignored. You are an example to me.

Wish I could have heard your message on Friendship - I'm sure it was a blessing to many.

Have a great day!
Love & prayers,

Jodie Wolfe said...

Welcome back Melissa. I've missed you! :) I will be praying for your Dad. So glad your speaking event went well!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back! You were missed although the break was understood.
Sweet Blessings,